Monday, March 8, 2010


I am thinking that time is flying by and I am being left behind.

Had another busy week at work, to many name badges that have to be made by a certain date... I am really starting to hate making signs, sad part is it isn't even in my job description. Ok enough about work.

Doing a graphic organizer for my Ed Tech class, not sure how to get started, but I have looked at a lot of technology for people who need it for their disabilities. My other classes are going ok, still wondering what I need to do, my husband thinks that I am taking classes just to stay where I am at, but I really think I need to be getting as much background to be a teacher before I jump in head first!

So, I spent this past Saturday helping my husband get the Rose Hill church mowed and cleaned up, nothing like a job well done! Look so nice when we finished, I like that feeling of knowing I did well on something and that someone will like it as well.

Ok, so that is enough, I really don't have an exciting life, my girls have an exciting life but they are lucky, not to have the weight of the everything on their shoulders yet!

Ashley went to East conference in Hot Springs, they did an awesome job while there, so proud of her. Katie and Megan are doing well at school also. Ate lunch with both of them while Ashley was gone.

Hope I did not bore you with my not so exciting life, maybe it will get more exciting as the weeks go on.

BYE for now!

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