Sunday, February 14, 2010

WOW, it has been over a week and I haven't blogged, shame on me! I had planned on blogging earlier in the week, got busy with work, school and family.

Well, February 5th, I turned the big 42, or as Ashley would say "My mom is 40 but don't forget the 2." We had a good time on my birthday the girls were so excited about the gifts they got me that they gave them to me the day before my birthday. Megan gave me some lotion, Katie gave me a cake holder, Ashley gave me a chair for my computer desk and my husband gave me a food saver (so love using it to store pecans).

Over this past week I really have been busy with work and school. Loving some of my classes (some I am still wondering why I am taking them, but know I need them). My instructional tech class has been a lot of fun. One of the assignments was to make a game on power point, didn't think it could be done, but to my surprise, I did a game and the girls love playing it. Just hope it works like it needs too.

Tuesday had a doctor appointment in Pine Bluff, not fun, but got it over with. We pulled the girls out of school to go with so there would be no rush to get home. After the appointments we decided to go eat a Chili's, ribs are soooooo good! We then decided to go shopping for some clothes (I was told that I needed to dress nicer by a teacher & husband) so we headed to the mall in Pine Bluff, but changed our minds and decided to head to Little Rock and brave the snow that they got. I don't like shopping for things me, but I really did enjoy buying things for me.

We got home close to 9:00pm, just in time for the girls to get their baths and to bed.

The rest of the week flew by. Friday, Monticello was suppose to get some bad weather, so when I got up in the morning to check the news it showed that UAM was closed (hard to believe we never close) but it didn't show any thing about the Monticello school system, come to find out the girls had school, and of course I had to work which was not fair, but the day went by fast. I went to MIS for the girls parties then it was home to relax for a little while.

I think the girls had fun at their parties, I know they brought a lot of candy and cards home.

We went to Hot Springs on Saturday, and did some more shopping (I could get use to spoiling my self with clothes, it just wearing them and not feeling like a dork!) found some good places to shop, can't wait to go again.

Sunday has be a closet cleaning day along with homework that needs to be done. Tim just got a wild idea to measure the windows in the kitchen and laundry room, this means tearing out the frame work around the window.

Well, that is all for now, I will try to do better this week.


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